Inside Scoop

JUNE 2024
In This Issue

Loren McIrvin

Loren McIrvin
Allied Landscape

Working Smart During Smart Irrigation Month.

July marks Smart Irrigation Month, an initiative created by the Irrigation Association to promote efficient water use in urban landscape.

This annual campaign encourages industry professionals to adopt practices and technologies that maximize water efficiency and reduce waste.

The initiative highlights the importance of using advanced irrigation tools and techniques, such as weather-based controllers, soil moisture sensors, and efficient sprinkler systems.

I like to simplify things and it reminds me of two concepts I believe are critically important to adopt to not only save water but to create efficient landscapes;

  1. “The Right Plant in the Right Place” – making sure that we are installing plants that appropriate for the area, the micro-climate, the hydrozone, the sun exposure, the given space, the soil, the local ecosystem, etc.
  2. “The Right Infrastructure” – making sure we have the right systems to support our landscapes; from soil systems, to drainage systems to irrigation systems it’s critical to create and maintain “The Right Infrastructure”. From an irrigation system perspective is about ensuring they are designed to apply water in the right amount, at the right time, and in the right place without unnecessary waste.

One key aspect of Smart Irrigation Month is education. The Irrigation Association provides many resources to help professionals and the public understand the benefits of smart irrigation.

During Smart Irrigation Month I would recommend researching the California Landscape Contractors Association (CLCA) Water Manager Certification Program. This certification is a valuable asset for professionals looking to enhance their skills in water management. The program offers comprehensive training in irrigation design, installation, maintenance, and scheduling. It equips participants with the knowledge to implement water-efficient practices and technologies effectively.

Certified Water Managers are trained to conduct water audits, identify inefficiencies, and implement solutions that can lead to significant water savings. Their expertise ensures that irrigation systems are not only compliant with local regulations but also optimized for peak performance.

By spreading awareness, the association aims to foster a culture of conservation that extends beyond July. Amidst this focus on smart irrigation, it’s essential to remember programs like the

As we observe Smart Irrigation Month, it’s an opportune time to reflect on the tools and training available to improve water management practices. By embracing advanced irrigation technologies and pursuing certifications like those offered by the CLCA, QWEL, ASIC, IA we can make significant strides in reducing water waste and promoting sustainability. Let’s work smart and make every drop count, not just in July, but all year round.

Annual Beautification Awards Dinner and Presentation

Thank you to those that joined us on June 8th at Bay Club Crow Canyon in Danville for the Beautification Awards Dinner and Presentation and celebrated the East Bay Chapter’s 2024 award winners!

CLCA President Tom Sweeney was the Master of Ceremonies. Calvin Craig Landscaping received the Sweepstakes Maintenance Award and Garden Lights Landscape & Pool Development received the Sweepstakes Installation Award. This year the judges awarded an Excelsior Award to Cali Scaping. The Excelsior Award is given to a contractor with less than 2 years of CLCA membership for a project demonstrating ‘striving higher’ qualities. The prestigious Judges Award was given to Suma Landscaping Inc. Congratulations!!!

Check out the 2024 winning projects

How to Help your Clients Understand Smart Irrigation

While phrases like “distribution uniformity” and “precipitation rates” are common to us, it can be difficult to translate to a homeowner. Here are some suggestions for talking “smart” to your clients.

Use Visuals They Can Understand

“Changing out 10 sprays to PRS heads can save up to 30,000 gallons of water a year.” Sounds like a lot. Or is it? That number is pretty intangible. So use it in a context your client will understand. Instead, try “that’s like filling up your pool twice a year!” That’s something they can relate to.

Read Full Article on

Cal/OSHA Workplace Violence Prevention for General Industry

On September 30, 2023, California Senate Bill 553 (Cortese) was signed into law and California Labor Code section 6401.9 will be in effect and enforceable on July 1, 2024.

Employers that fall within the scope of this law must establish, implement, and maintain an effective written Workplace Violence Prevention Plan that includes but is not limited to the following:

  • Identifying who is responsible for implementing the plan
  • Involving employees and their representatives
  • Accepting and responding to reports of workplace violence and prohibit employee retaliation
  • Communicating with employees regarding workplace violence matters
  • Responding to actual and potential emergencies
  • Developing and providing effective training
  • Identifying, evaluating, and correcting workplace violence hazards
  • Performing post incident response and investigations

Learn more about California Labor Code section 6401.9 taking effect July 1, 2024 by clicking the button below.

Learn More
Todd Gerrow - A-G Sod Farms

Upcoming Events

CLCA East Bay Chapter Events for 2024
  • Annual Battle of the Bay
    Oakland A’s vs. San Francisco Giants Tailgate & Baseball Game
    Sunday, August 18th
    Tailgate: 11:30am
    First Pitch: 1:07pm
    CLCA Members $75
    Non Members $100
View Our Calendar
Landscape Contractors Insurance Services, Inc.
L.H. Voss Materials, Inc.
Monarch Truck Center
West Coast Turf

Partner Spotlight

Horizon Logo

Horizon knows what you want from an irrigation supplies partner – the products you need, in stock, at a fair price. That is why Horizon prides itself on the expansive store inventory, featuring products from Rain Bird, Hunter, Toro, Westlake, NDS and ADS and more. The Horizon team is a knowledgeable resource, making sure you walk out the door with everything you need to get the job done.

Contact your local representative today:
Claude Schoeder

Devil Mountain

Partners for Success

CLCA East Bay Chapter Invites you to become a partner

Read about the chapter’s 2023 accomplishments and sign up to Partner with us in 2024 today!

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Pacific Nurseries
California Truck Centers
Delta Bluegrass - Julia Zuckerman